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Hypnos is an Guardian that appears in the Arkham Horror Second Edition Kingsport Horror expansion.


Hypnos first appeared in the story Hypnos (H.P. Lovecraft, 1922).

Hypnos is the Greek god of sleep, and the brother of Thanatos ("Death"). Hypnos dwells in the Corona Borealis and concerns himself little with mortals. If a person does attract his attention in some unguessable way, Hypnos sends down a beam of red-gold light from his starry home to that person. The beam pulls the victim back to Hypnos, who may leave some token of this visitation behind. The god may only be hurt by objects and individuals who are dreaming.[1]

Notes and references[]

  1. Harms, Daniel, "Hypnos", Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia.